Competitive Sports: An Idol in Seventh Day Adventism
Before we dive into the issue of sporting games in Seventh Day Adventism, I would like to first address the salvation and grace issue raised by Allan York Duasavu. In addressing church issues, where and how does salvation and grace fit into the picture? I want to address this because it may seem like to a lot of people that I am making this issue a criterion for salvation. Let me break down Yeshuwah which is the Hebrew word for God is our Salvation and is also the name of the Messiah. The Spirit of God comes and convict your heart of the love of God, making you realize that you're in bondage and you fall short of that love through your sins. The result is repentance and need for the atoning blood of the Lamb. Our sins are taken away from us when we confess, transferred and laid on Jesus Christ at the altar of sacrifice. In exchange, the title of the righteousness of Christ becomes yours through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the witnesses of heaven declare you guiltless. You...