The Order of Melchizedek

The name Melchizedek has often sparked interesting discussions in some gatherings I've attended. Off the top of my head, the Genesis story said that he was met by Abraham and that he was the king of Salem and a priest of God. What's so interesting about this Priest King? Let's find out.

There are two priesthoods in the Bible record. One had a beginning and an end; the other is a perpetual priesthood. The first is the Levitical Priesthood. This was instituted at by God's instruction to be the ministers of the Tabernacle planned by God to be built the Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness. Only male descendants of Levi were to be part of this order. The line of Aaron was ordained by God to carry the mantle of the High Priest.

The second is the Order of Melchizedek. The Levitical Priesthood was a type or shadow of the Melchizedek priesthood. The writer of Hebrews chapter 7 states that Melchizedek didn't have any parents or genealogy, without beginning or end, he resembled the Son of God and remained a priest forever. His name, Melchizedek, meaning king of righteousness. He was the king of Salem which translated means peace. He was therefore also the king of peace. These are not a characteristic of a mortal human but an immortal divine being, specifically, God. Is Melchizedek God? No, because the Bible says that he was a priest of the most high God (Genesis 14:18). God cannot be a priest to Himself because that would be illogical.

There was a phrase used to describe Melchizedek: he "...resembled the Son of God...", Something similar occurred also in Daniel 3:25. The fourth person Nebuchadnezzar saw in the fiery furnace was " the Son of God." (KJV Bible). Divine beings assuming human form have often visited the men and women of the Old Testament stories. Melchizedek is neither God, nor is he the Son of God (Jesus). Who is he then? There was a report saying that Ellen White said in a meeting that Melchizedek is the Holy Spirit in human form. I have tried finding more pieces of evidence to support this but I couldn't find any. Maybe you can help me out.

At the moment, I am content with the fact that who he was is not as important as to what is his work. The priestly order of which Jesus is the High Priest is named after Melchizedek.

Melchizedek was a human being, a king and a priest of God. Jesus Christ, is the same, and so are the other members of the order (read Revelation 1:5-6). This chosen generation are called the royal priesthood by Peter. They are a holy nation, a peculiar people who are to show forth the praises of Him who called them out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).

With Jesus Christ at the helm as our High Priest, we are to follow Him as ministers unto God and to our fellow creatures in God's universe. Jesus' Father is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29) whose light no man can approach to (1 Timothy 6:16). The priestly order is the manifestation of who He is. Through the actions of His representatives, the Divine character is to be revealed to the universe. Jesus said, "He who has seen me has seen the father (John 14:9).

There are two interests that this priesthood protects: the interests of their King and the interests of the citizens they serve. They are the intercessors.

Dear reader,
I pray that you find the courage and cultivate the passion to be part of this order. Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus wherever He leads.


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